
2023-05-10 17:04:26

  1、How do you usually spend your weekends?

  I usually spend my weekends hanging out with my friends, watching movies, or playing video games.

  2、What is your favorite hobby and why?

  My favorite hobby is reading because it allows me to escape into different worlds and learn new things.

  3、Have you ever traveled to a foreign country? If so, which one?

  Yes, I have traveled to Japan before. I loved the culture, food, and scenery.

  4、What do you think is the biggest issue facing our society today?

  In my opinion, the climate crisis is the biggest issue facing our society today. It is a global problem that affects everyone and requires immediate action.

  5、What is your favorite book and why?

  My favorite book is To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. I love how it explores important themes such as racism and social inequality in a compelling and thought-provoking way.
