
2023-06-28 08:34:13


  1、I am really concerned about putting in my best effort at work.


  2、I am worried that I might not be able to give my work the attention it deserves.


  3、I am anxious about not being able to meet the high expectations set for me in my job.


  4、I feel a sense of responsibility to perform at my best, and it worries me when I am not able to meet that standard.


  5、It concerns me greatly when I feel like I am not fully dedicated to my work due to external distractions.


  6、I constantly worry about not being able to complete my tasks to the best of my abilities.


  7、I am genuinely concerned about letting my team down by not giving my work the attention and effort it deserves.



  - I am really concerned about putting in my best effort at work.

  - I am worried that I might not be able to give my work the attention it deserves.

  - I am anxious about not being able to meet the high expectations set for me in my job.

  - I feel a sense of responsibility to perform at my best, and it worries me when I am not able to meet that standard.

  - It concerns me greatly when I feel like I am not fully dedicated to my work due to external distractions.

  - I constantly worry about not being able to complete my tasks to the best of my abilities.

  - I am genuinely concerned about letting my team down by not giving my work the attention and effort it deserves.
